

    SOP/ NDMA Data
    Sl No. Parameter Value
    1 Type of Building Permanent
    2 Category/ Type of School Urban
    3 School Safety Advisory Committee has been constituted at KV level Yes
    4 School Disaster Management Plan (SDMP) has been finalized Yes
    5 Annual Mock Drills conducted Yes
    6 Fire Extinguishers have been installed Yes
    7 Adhered to safety norms with respect to storage inflammable and toxic material Yes
    8 Whether confirmed to the safety standard as per Local building bye laws (as approved by local authorities) Yes
    9 Whether “Recognition Certificate” under Sub-Rule(04) – Rule 15 of RTE Rules 2010 has been obtained Yes
    10 Whether students & teachers underwent regular training in school, safety and disaster preparedness Yes
    11 Whether disaster management is being taught as part of the curriculum Yes